2023. mai 24.
The wood industry division of MÁV-REC Railway Engineering Corporation Llc. was also represented at the Transport Logistic exhibition in Munich. The exhibition is Europe's largest logistics event, where RCA, Baumann Marketing and MÁV-REC R.…
2023. aprilie 5.
Since January of this year, several pallet users have been using Euro pallets purchased from Poland and Ukraine, which mostly did not meet the requirements of the UIC 435-2 standard, due to cost reduction.…
2022. mai 16.
The supervisory audit of the Wood Industry Division of MÁV-REC Railway Engineering Corporation LTD by the National Accreditation Authority was successfully completed on 12 May 2022. No non-compliances were found in the audit trail.…
2021. decembrie 14.
This year, in 2021, the sector experienced major crisis. The rising of raw material prices and the cost of human resources have put pallet production and repair plants to the test. Plants were forced…
2021. noiembrie 8.
UIC raklapok cseréje az Epal raklapokkal 2022-ben.