
CELIZ Project Promotion at the 4th China International Import Expo

As last year, the CELIZ consortium had its own stand at this year's CIIE exhibition. Our Chinese colleagues gave a comprehensive presentation of the project to the companies. Representatives of government bodies, business associations…

CELIZ Project Promotion at the 1st RCEP (Shandong) Import Expo

Between October 20-22, the 1st RCEP expo was conluded, supported by the China-ASEAN Center, and hosted by Department of Commerce of Shandong Province and tthe People's Government Foreign Affairs Office of Shandong Province. Our…

CELIZ Project Promotion at “China International Import Expo in Liaoning”

Between September 23-24, the China International Import Expo in Liaoning province was hosted by Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China and the People's Government of Liaoning Province. Our colleagues gave an…

Záhony: the 100th rolled over of the Chinese container train

The anniversary train, organized by Rail Cargo Group, arrived at the central site of the Celiz project The Celiz (Central European Logistics and Industrial Zone) project has reached its milestone, the aim of which…

Vizsgaszabályzat készítése

Tisztelt Partnerem! A 19/2011 NFM Rendelet módosítása értelmében minden Vasútvállaltnak el kell készíteni a Vizsgaszabályzat és Eljárási Rendjét, és a hozzátartozó Függeléket, amely részletesen tartalmazza valamennyi Vasúti Társasági vizsgához tartozó munkakörök tudásanyagát. Ezen felül…

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