
Another milestone in development of the Záhony region: the Kemecse Industrial Park Ltd. was registered

In accordance with the statement of support document that has been signed during the summer of 2020, the Záhony Logistics and Industry Zone Consortium has started its work. The aim of the consortium is…

UIC/EUR Pallet Conference

This year in November, the UIC / EUR working group held its annual online conference, where the main topic was, that which are the current and future development of digitalized “smart pallets”. The working…

Project Promotion to Zhejiang Xinyun Wooden Industry Group Company Ltd.

Xinyun Wood Group is a leading enterprise in the wood and preschool toys industry. It is currently the country's largest private enterprise focusing on R&D, production and operation of preschool toys, culture and animation.…

MÁV-REC Ltd. moved 4 container trains between Mahart Container Center and Soroksari street in just one hour

MÁV-REC Ltd. moved 4 container trains between Mahart Container Center and Soroksari street in just one hour. The article about the event can be read on

Summary of Participation in the 3rd China International Import Expo

China International Import Expo has been held three times since 2018. CECZ attaches great importance to this grand event and participated in all three times. This year’s China International Import Expo, due to the…

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