2022. May 17.
Tiszapart light railway was handed over to the public in 1971. It operated successfully until 2009, but was closed that year due to inadequate technical condition. Fortunately, in 2021, a new track was implemented…
2022. May 16.
The supervisory audit of the Wood Industry Division of MÁV-REC Railway Engineering Corporation LTD by the National Accreditation Authority was successfully completed on 12 May 2022. No non-compliances were found in the audit trail.…
2022. May 9.
On 25 April, 2022, the audits of MÁV-REC Railway Engineering Corporation LTD - ISO 9011:2015; ISO 14001:2015; ISO 41001:2018 – were successfully completed. Vác railway operation and the Wood Industry Division performed outstandingly. We…
2022. May 2.
The war in Ukraine has created a new situation for the two major logistics developments in the Záhony region – mentioned for Világgazdaság by Mr. László Mosóczi, Secretary of State for Transport Policy. A…
2022. April 14.