
The objective of the inspection activity is to maintain a constant high quality level, which is carried out by the highly competent, impartial staff of MÁV-REC Kft., who are committed to quality. Our innovative training for pallet users has also brought about an improvement in quality, so today most of the logistics companies use the service we offer. The specialist activities are carried maintaining a quality management system.

‘Quality without compromise ...’, i.e. Quality is equal to MÁV-REC Kft.
The employees of MÁV-REC Kft. are constantly working on the latest technologies and innovations to ensure the way in which pallet users can operate the exchange system the most efficiently.


UIC-EUR and EPAL-EPAL pallets are present in the market for exchange pallets.

Further information about exchange pallet systems:


Licence holders

Útmutató az EUR raklapok minőségi osztályba sorolásához

UIC raklapok cseréje az Epal raklapokkal 2022-ben