High construction prices and demand also affect the acquisition of pallets

The article about the wood division of MÁV-REC Railway Engineering Corporation LTD. can be read on transpack.hu .   LAC Holding Zrt.

Free pallet education

Our interactive hands-on education is free again until the end of this year. Based on the feedback from pallet users, the work of those working with pallets in logistics is greatly accelerated and made…

Joint action: more than 1000 counterfeit pallets were seized near Cegléd city

MÁV-REC Railway Engineering Corporation LTD, in cooperation with the National Tax and Customs Administration, caught fraudsters On 28 July, the National Tax and Customs Administration notified the wood industry division of MÁV-REC Railway Engineering…

Changes in the pallet market

Tamás Járik, the Head of the Pallet Inspection Division of MÁV-REC Railway Engineering Corporation LTD, reported on the current Hungarian EUR pallet situation, the work of the division and the changes in the pallet…


Tisztelt Partnerünk! Ezúton kívánom tájékoztatni, hogy a MÁV-REC Kft  elnevezése megváltozott. Az új név: MÁV-REC Railway Engineering Corporation Kft. Teljes cégnév: MÁV-REC Railway Engineering Corporation Vasútipari Szolgáltató és Fejlesztő Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság A változás 2021.04.13.-től…

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